
Reviews in Beteiligung von FZI-Mitgliedern

Schmitt E., Klein M., Bopp T.
Th9 cells, new players in adaptive immunity.
Trends Immunol. 2014 Feb; 35 (2):61-8. doi: 10.1016/

Zipp F, Gold R, Wiendl H.
Identification of inflammatory neuronal injury and prevention of neuronal damage in Multiple Sclerosis – hope for novel therapies? JAMA Neurol, 2013. (in press)

Schuppan D, Kim YO.
Evolving therapies for liver fibrosis.
J Clin Invest. 2013 May 1;123(5):1887-901.

Liblau R, Gonzalez-Dunia D, Wiendl H, Zipp F.
Neurons as targets for T cells in the nervous system. Trends Neurosci 2013; 36:315-324.

Honda T, Egawa G, Grabbe S, Kabashima K.
Update of immune events in the murine contact hypersensitivity model: toward the understanding of allergic contact dermatitis.
J Invest Dermatol. 2013 Feb;133(2):303-15.

Methner A, Zipp F.
Multiple sclerosis in 2012: Novel therapeutic options and drug targets in MS.
Nat Rev Neurol. 2013 Feb;9(2):72-3.

Mukherjee R, Kelly CP, Schuppan D.
Nondietary therapies for celiac disease.
Gastrointest Endosc Clin N Am. 2012 Oct;22(4):811-31.

Roep BO, Buckner J, Sawcer S, Toes R, Zipp F.
The problems and promises of research into human immunology and autoimmune disease.
Nature Med 2012 18: 48-53.

Bodor J, Bopp T, Vaeth M, Klein M, Serfling E, Hünig T, Becker C, Schild H, Schmitt E.
Cyclic AMP underpins suppression by regulatory T cells.
Eur J Immunol. 2012; 42:1375–1384.

Schladt TD, Schneider K, Schild H, Tremel W.
Synthesis and bio-functionalization of magnetic nanoparticles for medical diagnosis and treatment.
Dalton Trans. 2011; 40:6315.

Hauschild A, Egberts F, Garbe C, Bauer J, Grabbe S, Hamm H, Kerl H, Reusch M, Rompel R, Schlaeger M; expert group "Melanocytic nevi".
Melanocytic nevi.
J Dtsch Dermatol Ges. 2011 Sep;9(9):723-34.

Bopp T, Radsak M, Schmitt E, Schild H.
New strategies for the manipulation of adaptive immune responses. Cancer Immunol Immunother.
2010; 59:1443–1448.

Steinbrink K, Mahnke K, Grabbe S, Enk AH, Jonuleit H.
Myeloid dendritic cell: From sentinel of immunity to key player of peripheral tolerance?
Hum Immunol. 2009 May;70(5):289-93.